Like a child, a healthy relationship needs both emotional and physical nourishment to grow and thrive. A couple needs to feel connected, share empathy, validate one another, and enjoy mutual doses of humor. What a healthy relationship doesn’t need, is a daily dose of negative interactions: disparaging remarks and other mixed signals that sever connections and uproot an otherwise solid foundation.

Statistics show that 53% of marriages in the US end in divorce, with many modern nations facing similar issues worldwide. (Source: CDC)

Identifying the areas where your relationship is breaking down, and making use of the appropriate tools to correct this, can help turn things around and save your relationship.

My work with couples is based on building trust, authenticity, humor and transparency – by helping them develop more loving, supportive, and deeply satisfying relationships. This is done by:

  • Eliminating negative communications and reactions from daily interactions
  • Offering practical guidelines to resolving problems
  • Enhancing communication skills
  • Addressing and isolating self-defeating behaviors
  • Identifying co-dependent tendencies

I weigh every facet of a relationship: sex, household responsibilities, infidelities, anger management, substance abuse, and child-raising responsibilities.

The following are strong signs you may want to re-examine the state of your relationship:

  1. Communication is sparse (living more like roommates than lovers)
  2. Negative dialogue is exchanged frequently
  3. You argue instead of discussing issues/concerns
  4. One of you has had, or is thinking about having an affair
  5. You're only staying together because of a child/children


For couples who genuinely desire loving relationships, I will help them to:

  • Identify the keys to making a relationship last
  • Understand the unspoken language used to meet each others' needs
  • Free themselves from behavior patterns that limit love, and hold them back from their highest potential
  • Create the relationship they desire, instead of falling into unconscious patterns adopted from parents and other adults
  • Learn non-violent communication skills to turn conflicts into connections